Ideas: "Firewhiskey", which Hermione won't let Ron order at the Three Broomsticks?
Maybe add a dot of Dave's Ultimate Insanity Sauce into a scotch-on-the-rocks?
Some song you don’t have to talk about; they just say it all:
“Mama get the hammer, there’s a fly on baby’s head.”
-Bob Dylan, on his new radio show, “Theme Time Radio Hour,” introducing a song by the Bobby Peterson Quartet.
-Richard Meltzer, critic, 1998
Hello Muscle palace Rupert's mail address it appears not to be being positively. nya The inside inside the cotton 3 all helped the mail does not see anh ass why .... And reply it entrusts certainly . I language ardency maybe too much without ? It peels anyhow and phyey the use method petty egg it lights and it gives. Only is like thatGoodbye
UPDATE: There's an essay about the booze in Harry Potter, written after the Half-Blood Prince movie, HERE.