December 14, 2007

List: Famous Cottagers thru History

-Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho): famous for "toe-tapping."

-Sir Laurence Olivier (actor): arrested for cottaging in 1953.

-George Michael (pop star): not to be confused for the character on Fox's Arrested Development played by Michael Cera.

-Ringo Starr (born Richard Starkley, actor, drummer): never actually arrested for cruising in lavatories, but what list would be complete without him?

-Socrates (bare-footed hippie): listed here as a synecdoche for the entire culture of public toilets & gymnasiums.

-Alan Jones (Australian radio personality): fell afoul of Westminster by-laws in a WC in London's West End, 1988.

-Mike Huckabee (Former Governor of Arkansas): Can you believe it!? Spread the word to all your Republican-voting friends & relatives!

-Christopher Aitken (Swedish Pop star): Disorderly conduct is actually permitted in Sweden, but is discouraged (for obvious reasons) by vocal professions.

-Barbara Walters (revolutionary female reporter): accidentally arrested in the wrong bathroom for lewd behavior, was actually just rehearsing her tap-dancing routine.

-Frederick William Serafino Austin Lewis Mary Rolfe, the Baron Corvo (19th Century English novelist & 'eccentric'): Most of his names would stay home & carouse with the boys at his estate whilst Lewis or Mary would parole the tea-rooms.

-Alexander (Emperor): conquered the known world in search of beats.

-Rev. Ted Haggard (defrocked President of the National Association of Evangelicals): Who needs bathrooms when you have the entire infrastructure of mega-churches? but the reverend liked to dabble in everything he condemned.

-Most members of the Minneapolis Police Department: looking for crime in all the right places.

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