June 14, 2010

Sexting List: "of places we still need to fornicate this summer," Part Two: 61-100

The second & final installment of my series of text messages sent to my friend (with artwork from a drawing she left lying around my house.)

List of places we still need to fornicate this summer

61) Graveyard,

62) Crematorium,
63) Columbarium,
64) Dance floor,

65) Wells Fargo Wagon,

66) Mount Olympus,

[At this point, she texts me "thata 'umber 70". There was a lost text message containing her entrées for 65-69, which I received later but will include here.]

65) Broadway,
66) The Pound,
67) Safeway,
68) Academy of Sciences,
69) On a real red wagon,

67) Fortress of Solitude

68) Grant's Tomb,

69) The sky,
70) The sea,
71) The countryside,
72) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon,
73) The Leaning Tower of Pisa,
74) Calvary,
75) David's Temple,
76) Hell,

77) In the music video for "Whoomp! There It Is"

78) In the powder room,
79) The WC,
80) In the can,
81) The little girls' room,
82) The john,

83) Circus,

84) Library,
85) Bus,
86) Third rail of the G Train. The G Train, Nermal!
87) Abu Dhabi, Nermal!

88) In the closet,

89) Facebook,
90) MySpace,
91) Friendster,
92) Napster,
93) AOL,
94) Inside,
95) Outside,

96) Baseball diamond,
97) The docks,
98) The ceiling,
99) Outland,
100) The far side.

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