March 24, 2011

Jesus Christ is a big fat man - The Manna Tease Special Single B-Side

And, as a B-Side to "It's a Snoopy Snoopy Poop Doggy Ratty Rat World," here's a spicy new homemade studio demo of "Jesus Christ is a big fat man." My mother pointed out that Jesus Christ was a skinny man, but I say, teach the controversy.

This recording includes the fourth verse that Minnie Mary Molly wrote, "Jesus Christ had his own cooking show, &c..." Here we go:

Yes, this song is also available FOR SALE, for $0.99, as well as "It's a Snoopy &c...," at this Manna Tease store here.


Won't you please "like" The Manna Tease on facebooks here?

The lyrics and chords to "Jesus Christ is a big fat man" can be found in this earlier post here, and we practiced it on youtube here. Thank you, come again!

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