April 21, 2008

Announcement, Note, Posted, Sacred Harp Live on the Radio To-Night! KUSF 90.3, 10pm Pacific

Sacred Harp, with me! singing on the radio, live, tonight! KUSF 90.3

fromJames Welsch <_@itwaslost.org>

toSue Welsch <______@yahoo.com>,
bcc& Many others
dateMon, Apr 21, 2008 at 1:16 PM

subjectSacred Harp, with me! singing on the radio, live, tonight! KUSF 90.3

Hello Friends, Family, & people generally interested in folk music,

Members from the bay area shape-note singing community will be giving a demonstration of the Sacred Harp tonight! Monday, on KUSF 90.3, round 10-11pm tonight! Pacific time.

For those out of range of the San Francisco frequencies, there's an internet feed here:
I was able to open that feed in iTunes.

I won't be doing a whole lot, just calling on my inner-Paul Robeson to help out the bass section (I normally sing tenor, but for purposes of balance...), but it should be a good introduction to this strange style of traditional music, which I have sung early & often, all over the country. And we'll be using our spot to promote this Saturday's Golden Gate Sacred Harp Convention, open to all, which is 9am-3pm at the Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St. x Southern Heights, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.!

"The thirsty ridges drink their fill, And ranks of corn appear" -Rainbow 344


Also, Beach party following the convention, details here:

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