January 26, 2008

Invitation: Burns Night 2008

Thank you to the ten people who attended our spectacular Burns Night last night. There was merriment, speechifying, songs & orated poems, vegan haggis on parade, absinthe, more absinthe, gay dancing, & a tribute to Jorge Luis Borges. Videos to be posted soon! Here's the invitation from Facebook:

Burns Night 2008 (On the Eventually of the Scottish Bard's 249th Year)

Come, bumpers high, express your joy,The bowl we maun renew it, The tappet hen, gae bring her ben!


Event Info
Burns Night 2008 (On the Eventually of the Scottish Bard's 249th Year)
Come, bumpers high, express your joy,The bowl we maun renew it, The tappet hen, gae bring her ben!
James Welsch, Liam Joseph Olaf Worland Golden, Alaine Ball
Time and Place
Friday, January 25, 2008
7:30pm - 11:55pm
Hill of Virtue
_ Harold Ave
San Francisco, CA

Contact Info


When first my brave Johnie lad came to this town,
He had a blue bonnet that wanted the crown;
But now he has gotten a hat and a feather,
Hey, brave Johnie lad, cock up your beaver!

Cock up your beaver, and cock it fu' sprush,
We'll over the border, and gie them a brush;
There's somebody there we'll teach better behaviour,
Hey, brave Johnie lad, cock up your beaver!

-Robert Burns

2008's Burns Night will be themed after Kenneth Anger, the gay mystic filmmaker, so any combination of Scottish attire & gay mystic would be recommended - utilikilts?

Those unfamiliar with traditional Burns Nights can read the proper itinerary here: http://www.robertburns.org/suppers/itinerary.shtml

Due to certain hippie-dippie Californian dietary restrictions, Mr Welsch will be baking a VEGAN HAGGIS for the Parade of the Haggis.

Sadly, not in attendance will be Mr James Eliot Quill, whose birthday is shared with the Scottish National Bard. He will be having a simultaneous Birthday Party in Portland, Oregon, to which & thru which there will be several portals, conference calls, & live webblogging.

Take the BART to Balboa Park, walk East on Ocean (or Geneva), go left after the gas station, all the way to the top of the hill on Harold.


Displaying 2 photos.

Posted Items

Displaying 1 posted item.

Confirmed Guests

The Wall

James Welsch wrote
at 4:35pm yesterday
I just told my neighbor John (age seventyish): "Happy Robert Burns Day!"
And he said: "It's Robert Burns day? Oh, great, he's an aquarius..."

Paula Peng (no network) wrote
at 11:51am yesterday
wish you (I) was/were/could-be here/there. what is this painting? it's nice.

Laurie McDonald (Santa Fe, NM) wrote
at 8:34am yesterday
Thanks for the invite, James! I'd like to reciprocate with an invitation to the 23rd Annual Robert Burns night here in Santa Fe on February 9th! It's sponsored by the Associated Scots of Santa Fe and Clan Donald, and I guess they assume I'm Scottish, or at least of Scottish extraction, because I received an invite to that event, too. (I've always felt more simpatico with the Aboriginal people of Western Australia's Pilbara region, actually). Here’s the enviable menu for that event: fire roasted poblano chile filled with spaghetti squash, leeks, sweet corn, and oyster mushrooms, accompanied by roasted garlic polenta, yam mash, and garbanzo bean salad with oven-roasted tomato coulis and balsamic reduction. With a triple chocolate mousse with Kahlua crème anglaise for desert. Are you drooling yet?

"Brian Aha" (San Francisco, CA) wrote
at 10:42am on January 23rd, 2008
Veggie haggis is firmly established in Scotland. It's available in every pub or corner store. Very authentic. I will bring my FC Heart of Midlothian scarf.

Sarah-Louise Raillard (New York, NY) wrote
at 8:03am on January 23rd, 2008
Your parties always seem quite fun, but let's remember that I live in NYC...:)

Fiona Willis (Berkeley) wrote
at 6:53pm on January 22nd, 2008
Sorry guys I've already got plans for Friday- pity, it would be good to have a Brit (with distant, somewhat tentative, Scottish roots) in attendance at such an event. See you soon xx

Shaun Winter (no network) wrote
at 6:48pm on January 22nd, 2008
I do thank you, but I will still be in Laguna. Though I am starting to think that maybe I should try living in the Berkeley.

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