January 09, 2008

Please Vote in the hot new Poll (on the lefthand sidebar)

And now, the second ever Itwaslost.org Poll, we ask you, the universe, for feedback on what content you would like to see more of on this weblog. The first poll, as you recall, which contained several dirty words, was a stentorian success, except that only a half dozen people voted, & as it turned out, it contained several dirty words.

What would you like to see MORE of, on this website www.itwaslost.org, in 2008, my noble readers? (You may click multiple answers.)

-Naked nude photos of celebrities xxx

-Orange Juice

-Nonsense Doggerel Rhyming Poetry

-Scathing Critical Reviews of Fine Music & Cinema

-James Eliot Quill's lovely writing & photographs

-Private details about the bloggers' lives

-Thinly-disguised Barack Obama endorsements

-Fun Facts

-Quotes from Tlön's Infinite Library

-More information about our friend with the world's longest nipple hair

-More Polls

-The interior of a human colon.

-Illuminated Prophecies

Also, Congratulations to Mrs Clinton on her victory last night. My (thinly-disguised) hope is that Obama fans (many in the younger demographic) will see the imperative to vote in the February Primaries, which a New Hampshire Obama victory could have hurt. Register to vote, friends! Then, Vote!

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