February 02, 2008

the black eyed peas beat James because they got Scarlett Johansson and he didn't

FYI I think the best-streaming version of this is not the youtube, but the original (I think), which is at www.dipdive.com

I wasn't afraid to stand for something...
to stand for "change"...
I wasn't afraid of "fear"...

it was pure inspiration...

so I called my friends...
and they called their friends...
in a matter of 2 days...
We made the song and video...

Usually this process would take months...
a bunch of record company people figuring out strategies and release dates...
all that stuff...
but this time i took it in my own hands...
so i called my friends Sarah Pantera, Mike Jurkovac, Fred Goldring, and Jesse Dylan to help make it happen...
and they called their friends..
and we did it together in 48 hours...
and instead of putting it in the hands of profit we put it in the hands of inspiration...

then we put it on the net for the world to feel...

When you are truly inspired..
magic happens...
incredible things happen...
love happens..

-Will.i.am, "Why I recorded Yes We Can", from the Huffington Post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.