February 01, 2008

Itwaslost.org makes the North Lake Tahoe Bonanza

Unbeknownst to anyone involved, until this moment, when I haphazardly googled myself, my live blogging from the Nevada Caucuses was reprinted in the local paper, the North Lake Tahoe Bonanza.


The culprit for this mystery is revealed as a preface to the article: " James Welsch, who was born and raised in Incline, now lives in Berkeley, Calif., and came back to observe the caucus on Saturday. His mother, Sue Welsch, submitted his observations." Aha! Do I also detect subtle maternal edits, mostly for style? Does anyone have a copy of the print edition? Why this should remain a secret until now, remains a secret. I regret it wan't a zingyer piece of writing. And, I wish they'd link to the original post on their website!


Jenny Ruth & I made the front page of this newspaper in June 2006. Next to an article about Mosquitoes, they printed a picture of us hiking with my parents' 125-lbs golden retriever Schnapps:


S. Sandrigon said...

Turns out it wasn't in the print edition, just online. Shucks.

Brains said...

Congratulations! I think you should be really happy about this, even if they never asked you permission.