September 27, 2008

An Interduction

Hello. I am proud to formally introduce myself to the Greater Inner Outer Web Community of
O it was lost for ever! and we found it not. Please call me by name: Mary Olaf Mary.
I am currently organizing some beneficial additions to this community.
Among them:

1. A Hip-Hop Album by Freddie Mae and Fanny Mac.
2. DisIlluminations of Nonsense NonPoetry.
3.Other Drawings by the famous and high-paid artist, me.
4. Lost Drawings and Music by the found and lost of the bygone era: unprecedented, and a word
I can't remember right now.
5. Hope.

I need your help in directing me towards the proper methods of placing music into the hands of this community. Like, how do I do that shit?
Otherwise and until then, await yourselves.

truly, Mary Olaf Mary


S. Sandrigon said...

Horray! &, furthermore, Yippy!

I hope to look forward to hope.
Well spotted.
Hello from the Portland Public Library.

Anonymous said...

it's true, Olaf's art is worth millions. not only that, but since the Depression was announced by the requisite 6 and a half pundits on TV, he has been paid for his art in bricks of solid gold and government bonds. He is currently building a modest home out of gold bricks and government bonds, at an undisclosed off-the-grid location in a southwesterly state.
yes, sir james please do let the people including myself know the secrets of your "media player" so we can all contribute to the audio wealth here.....

welcome, olaf. love, grainne.