September 04, 2008

Live Blogging #C. Tom Waits, Tom Waits, Tom Waits, Tom Waits, Tom Waits.

Sally Hemings, I haven't been this bored at a Republican Convention since 1976. Where are the greco-roman columns? Where's the Beatlemania? Where's all the fearmongering? Aren't they still all out there in caves waiting to destroy our way of life? Apparently their opponent, Barack Obama, has a thin resume & knows how to give a good speech. This revolutionary website - which has been known (the audacity) to post things as diverse as movie reviews & witty poetry - will be staying up till past 10pm Eastern Time to "live-blog" - basically like sports commentary but without the cocaine - what the right-wing politicians have to say about things. Gob Biden Whiskey, several games, like take a hefty shot every time they show that same black dude in the audience.

8:28pm Central Time The soundtrack to the Cindy McCain biopic has the same synth strings & piano as the Palin one! Who is this composer & why does he get all the Republican background GIGS. This one also has a synthesized hallelujah church-choir.

Slow down, Cindy Lou, you're slurring your speech again.

Grainne here. Cindy SUCKS ASS.

8:47pm She scares the zombie poop out of me.

Anybody else notice the gun-fetish going on here? I bet Cindy diddles herself with firearms when she's bored and doesn't feel like getting up to go for a ride in her private plane. That's dangerous, man. be careful.

Palin goes aerial wolf hunting, like shooting wolves from planes. How is that sexy again? Can she get bin Laden using those skills?

maybe Palin's plan is to aerial Putin hunt, since she's got the scoop on Russia and everything. Cindy the homewrecker is carrying the banner of GOP tokenism with the rwandan lady and her adopted daughter. take that Condi! we don't even need you!"

8:59pm Johnnie B. Goode: he never ever learned to read or write so well, but he's spent thousands of hours mastering Guitar Hero. Patience that would daunt any ex-POW.
Wow, it seems the Republicans have been asked to make their own signs? Where are the standardized fonts?


Am I watching the hard-of-hearing version of this video or something? is that why they keep saying "country first"? to make sure it gets through? anybody else notice no mention that his first wife who was the mother of a couple of the adult sons who are there is not in his bio at all?

ABOVE alone, next, another post, upward, onward, alas, More: McCain answers & more.


S. Sandrigon said...

You're right, Harry, she's truly slurring a lot with a blank look in her eyes, if she's not drunk she's something!

S. Sandrigon said...

Howdy, Grainne, you got any Gobiden?

Anonymous said...

you know it. really missing Olaf's crepe magic though.

Brains said...

Americans sure won't get any "Straight Talk" at the Minneapolis Airport restroom, Cindy.

Brains said...

Are we about to see Ol' Walnuts speak?

S. Sandrigon said...

I was with Miss Olaf earlier today, but she's got to pack & organize an unorganizable quantity of shit, she resisted suggestions of either crepe-making, sazerac imbibing, or live-blogging.

Brains said...

Gov Palin aerial wolf hunts, VP Cheney trap shoots with shotgun spray... don't Republicans practice anything difficult?

Brains said...

Mr Sandrigon, red is a great color for you. The timestamp is awesome-o. Very organized. I would join, but I get so giddy and stressed when I'm logged into the "edit post" section that things get messed up.

Brains said...

I think I like my Screech Powers positioning (remember at Max's Screech always popped his head over from the booth next door?)

Brains said...

Now we call him "Ol' Walnuts"

Brains said...

He ordered Hanoi to be CARPET BOMBED while Lil' Walnuts was in prison there??? Omg, is that okay?

Brains said...

Sandrigon, last night reporter Reggie Aqui (online) noticed the "handmade" signs were made by one person and handed out en masse.

Brains said...

An average of four killed by suicide bombs each day and they call that "peace in Iraq"? Oh. I wish grad school had such easy standards.