May 05, 2008

Design Competition: Exploding Maroon TNT of Love

Friends, as you have noticed, for six or seven years now, the background image for this website has been an exploding maroon thingy. It was an image linked directly from another website, which apparently has vanished, leaving my background blank~!

I must work all day, important things which must be completed, so it may be a few days before I can meddle with the html (always a laborious brain-breaking exercise for me.) In the meantime, here was the image. If anyone is interested in designing a new one, Please! I'd love to mix this up, & at the very least, it will be displayed in the background on the studio of The Colbert Report.

-It must be that same light-dark-red color, & muted enough with enough white so that text can be read over it.
-It must scream "Wowee!", in a half-apocalyptic, half-ruminative way.


Brains said...

my computer now freezes whenever i try to load your page. what gives?

S. Sandrigon said...

Try it now, I deleted the digg button, & fixed the old background image. Sigh!

Brains said...
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