May 18, 2008

Happy Mimosas Witnessing Sunday, May 2008

As we approach the fourth anniversary of my graduation from college, it is time to reflect upon my various non-academic achievements. I've been a vegetarian the whole time; a non-violent non-driver; smoked the hookah; & co-founded the Mimosas Witnesses, a semi-religious organization which meets on Sundays (or on other observant days of rest) & witnesses Mimosas, Lemonosas, Pomosas, blended Mangosas, et cetera, et cetera. There is often fresh fruit & a spread of other delicious brunch foods involved. Someday we will go evangelical. Today we brunched at the Thai Buddhist Temple at the end of our block, which has a lovely non-secular alternative to witnessing Mimosas every Sunday (on Russell Street at MLK in Berkeley! It's all donations to the temple.) We have, indeed, snuck mimosas in there before, which complements the sticky mango rice magnificently. Speaking of rice, my winning Sunday overheard comment-of-the-day was at a table heatedly discussing the global rice shortage. One girl loudly blathered: "Rice is like so fucking easy to grow!" Incredible solution, just teach those stupid foreigners how to grow rice, problem solved. It reminds me of my exasperation at the Irish Potato Famine. Why didn't they just, you know, eat something else besides potatoes?

Friends! Proselytes! You can now become a "fan" of the Nargileh on Facebook! I suppose I'll work on a Mimosas Witnesses Group later this week. Any potential members among the diaspora?

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