May 04, 2009

Elsewhere in the Blogosphere: London Still & Sigh No More

We're now blog-o-wich friends with Alexandra Silber's London Still. She is an old friend of mine, now a professional actor in Lud's Town. London Still is an excellent blog about theater, including a classy department called "Ask Al", where she answers inquiries histrionic. I believe she was campaigning to get one hundred "followers", for some sponsorship reason, so please "follow" her (in the left-hand sidebar) & help her cause.

Ready for the Link: LONDON STILL

On the subject of following, if you enjoy this blog for instance, I have one of those "follow" boxes on this website, down to the left, also. There's nothing binding or obnoxious about "following", I promise. I know it seems like these networks exist to waste time, but when these weblogs are as cultural & edifying as ours, there's a risk that by not following them, you will be left behind in the shitty gutters of society's progress. Also, I think the google reader is a swell tool to keep UP, & I like how they've made it easier to see what your friends are publicly following & sharing. It's not just cute videos of kittens or political rants about teabagging. FOLLOW IT WAS LOST! (Again, it's down in the sidebar, scroll down a bit, on the left. You can also follow anonymously if you're shy.)

Al Silber wrote me one of the most beautiful letters a month ago, titled "a song you wrote has always been in my head", which was partially an apology for using a recording of a string quintet I wrote in high school in a number of theater productions in Britain over the years. I want to dig those recordings out of the archives & post them here with our recent correspondence, so look for that here in the next few weeks. In the meantime, here's another recording from the same era, I'll embarrass Miss Silber by posting her singing a Shakespeare song I had written for the drama department when I was fifteen, & rearranged for my high school senior recital - I apologize for my horrible piano flub, remember we were just teenagers. "Sigh No More" from Much Ado About Nothing:


London Still said...

You are a magical gem of Shakespearean proportion Mr. Welsch. I was humbled and proud to sing at your Senior recital in 2000 (at noon, "waaaaay before M.O.R.P" I do believe was your surtitle).

Our tender music making just delighted me, and I am so grateful not only for your support, but for the chance to reconnect. Perhaps we can collaborate again someday soon. In fact, now that I have found thee again I can indeed, sigh no more.

With thanks,

Al x

S. Sandrigon said...

Wow I forgot that recital was "waaaay before" our prom. I recall there was a pretty good crowd any ways, right.
And yes, & yes. Ditto all of everything. Perhaps before we can reconnect & recollaborate in person, some sort of inter-bloggal collaboration is called for. Sing no more ditties no more.