May 04, 2009

Live-Tweeting Tonight's A's Game from the Coliseum

Last time I attempted to live-tweet something, they came in all out of order & delayed. I was happy that tonight's twitterings seemed to come into the tweetosphere punctually & chronologically. Sending Mr Quill, our Bulgarious Baseball correspondent, updates from the Oakland Coliseum was almost like being there with him - however, going with my niece, she has a more grounded, less statistics-&-history-laden way of explaining the game to me. Altho I didn't get any responses, I'm pretty confident that Mr Quill woke up at dawn Baghdad-time to follow my play-by-play.

SSandrigon@qwill I'm going to an A's game tonight. Nomar is out with calf trouble. Live tweets starting at 5am, Bulgica time.


Quill said...

I had no idea my explanations were ungrounded and stat/history-laden. Nice tweets. I dig the Orlando-Centric approach.

Anonymous said...

This Monday, you can go to the Reno Ace's game with us and send twitters and another blog to James Quill.