May 08, 2009

Sayings of Cactana No. 1

I was lying, down below, when I said I made those drawings as illuminations for Walt Whitman's Poem "A March in the Ranks Hard-Prest, and the Road Unknown". They were actually sketches for a comic strip, possibly limited-edition, I'm premiering today, called "Sayings of Cactana". Introducing Cactana!

I may ditch the sparkly pen for Cactana, so I've also prepared it small in black & white, (for fantasy syndication):


S. Sandrigon said...

The rapped narration is derivative of my character in the revived Ocular Proof, Petalbo Tylan, "a sort of rhyming used-car salesman of the soul": if you missed
The Adventures of Chody Gründletaint, those six are here & here.
Those took a long time to doodle, so I hope Cactana will lead us in new directions.

S. Sandrigon said...

Sorry, clarification if it was unclear. Cactana's sayings are NOT from Walt Whitman. They are Cactana's own.