May 28, 2009

Saga of Jenny Illuminated on Scribd

I've uploaded a third short illuminated poetry pdf-book to Saga of Jenny is a quasi-narrative two-part, fourteen-stanza nonsense rhyming poem. This is, like, one of my favorite poems. It was originally published on this weblog HERE, but this illuminated pdf has a much more beautiful layout. I'm working on a larger collection of these rhyming poems from the last few years, Prophecy & Doggerel, but since it won't be available for awhile, I'm putting up these samplers - Saga of Jenny, for instance, will be spread across fewer pages in the full book, but look more or less like this. Toggle to full-screen with the little button on the upper-right-hand corner. (Also, F11, at least in firefox, makes the browser window full-screen.)
Saga of Jenny - S. Sandrigon

The pdfs at scribd are available for download, put on your fancy Amazon kindles & soon other devices. This one isn't downloadable yet, until I iron a few formatting glitches. The other two I put up, as an experiment, I'm selling for ONE DOLLAR (they wouldn't let me sell it for 75¢). Support the cause of illuminated nonsense poetry!

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