March 03, 2009

Gourd Arts &c

The Mimosas Witness bishop of the Bend, Oregon, diocese is a gourd artist of breathtaking scope & integrity. "Big Mama" Raleigh, as we have previously referred to the artist on this weblog, has a new website up with many pictures of her work. (Big Mama is the woman who, several decades ago, carried in her tummy our housemate & once & future travel correspondent Miss Jenny Ruth. She can be seen at several Mimosas Witnesses services, like here, & works tirelessly for the gospel up in Bend, wearing her Mimosas Witnesses t-shirt, standing at subway entrances passing out pamphlets, tithing her income.) Her website is, & here are a few of my favorites:

Willie Nelson, part of her new series on musicians!

JR reports that several of the members of this jazz band were recently sold at a crafts fair, for the low low price of $250 a pop. Get yours today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

follow the gourd!