August 10, 2008

WASHOE COUNTY - downloadable shape-note score

This is from my series of shape-note tunes WESTERN HARMONY. It has one strange harmony in the fourth measure which I cain't quite figure out what to do with, but, here it is. You can click on the images to print or save jpg files, or download pdfs Page 1, Page 2. Remember, this music is not copyrighted & is intended to be spread on the ground, spread all around, dig it with a hoe, it will make your flowers grow.


Such things that grow themselves,
Eat them this year;
And for eternal worlds we now steer,
Where else? Where else?
Seas are calm & skies are clear, and
Let's begin our errand.

The soul for joy then claps her white wings,
And loud her hallelujah sings,
Hallelujah! Hallelue! vain world adieu!

Store fruits & grains & wine,
Plenty & more,
With cheerful hope set out to explore,
Divine! divine!
Landmarks on the distant shore, with
Faith towards the monolith.

Again for joy she claps her white wings,
And loud her hallelujah sings,
Hallelujah! Hallelue! vain world adieu!

Bring seeds from the lost earth,
Holy cuisine,
The trees of life, the pastures new green,
New birth! new birth!
Pleasant scene, the crystal stream, the
Queen of Law, clean & raw.

Again for joy she claps her white wings,
Her celestial sonnet sings,
Hallelujah! hallelue! I'm there at last!

1 comment:

S. Sandrigon said...

I spent hours this afternoon fighting with a failed attempt to record a synthesized demo, so the world will have to wait for that. Go outside it's bleedin' summer!