April 27, 2009

Magical Elixir Recipe

Thank you for staying loyal to this website during our necessary furlough. The true reason wasn't a budget deficit (altho it wasn't not a budget deficit), but that there was the Golden Gate Sacred Harp Convention. And very little time for sleep - on Saturday Night I was mopping up the floor at a cathedral at 2 am after a wild catering event, early Sunday Morning I was working the registration desk for the big sing.

How did I do it? My recipe for magic throat elixir - not that creative, but it does allow you to sing strong for two days straight:

-Boil a pot of water with a bunch of cut-up ginger.
-Brew tea. I recommend making it strong, with Good Earth te
a & Lemon Throat tea.
-Add lots of honey & lemon. Also, maple syrup is delicious.
-Pour it in water bottles with some ice & drink all day.
From the first photos to come in from yesterday's convention, Miss Beer is leading & Tim Eriksen is on the front bench (he held a singing school in Berkeley on Saturday & had a great gig at the Freight & Salvage Sunday night.)

1 comment:

jessica beer said...

I can attest to the deliciousness of said elixir. And deliciousness is its own magic. As to the other purported magical qualities, I cannot verify them, having only had but a taste. But I am quite willing to believe. P'raps I will put the potion to a proper test this week, when we sing in Portland on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Let me also point out the presence of Mr. Welsch on the front tenor bench in the included photo. An additional clue as to the effectiveness of his elixir!