April 17, 2009

Teabagging Review

The Huffington Post had a slideshow of the most offensive Teabagging signs, here are three:

And Hendrik Hertzberg linked to this MSNBC talking head, who packed more teabagging puns onto cable television than I thought was allowed:


Olaf Mary said...

How do people come up with this shit? Human peoples are like crystals.

Olaf Mary said...

And why are so many people concerned with who has "their" "money"? What does that MEAN?

S. Sandrigon said...

Humans are crystals! There was another one that read "Obama What You Talkin About Willis Spend My Money?" I don't get the reference, but I assume it's either racist or nonsense or both.

Olaf Mary said...

Also, these three are beautiful examples of how crazy self absorbed people use any excuse to advertise the ugliness within. None of those signs are about taxes or non-representation. They have to do with racism and crazy racism, and eating babies.