April 17, 2009

Tea Bagging in Santa Fe

Santa Feans, it turns out, are also capable of placing their proverbial scrotum in the open mouth,
on or near the face, or upon the head of Reason.

"233 Years to Build a Nation, 3 Months to Destroy It," one placard read. Another showed a photo of a gravestone marked "United States of America, Born July 4, 1776. Died Nov. 8, 2008. Suicide."

I like the one photo'ed above which reads, "You keep the Change, I'll keep my Freedom My Guns & Money"


S. Sandrigon said...

Did you take that picture?

Olaf Mary said...

nope. some newsman. I wanted to post the front page from yesterday which was a different picture og the party which included many people dressed up in full animal/mascot costumes holding signs relating in a punnish way to their animal self. It is a great picture if anyone can track it down. Front page, above the fold, April 16th in the Santa Fe New Mexican.