June 12, 2009

Correspondences: Bulgarous Movie Production Discussion Part III

PART THREE from the Production Planning Committee, the Board of Lost of It, about our Bulgarian Movie project. I'm not worried about giving away details of the film, because, of course, it's bound to continue to evolve far beyond these initial discussions.

from"Grainne Proinseas" _____@gmail.com
to"S. Sandrigon" _@itwaslost.org
cc"J____ Quill" ______@gmail.com,
"Olaf Mary" _____@gmail.com
dateMon, Jun 1, 2009 at 3:43 PM
subjectRe: Big Little Industry

lets make a movie with exciting motown inspired musical numbers in turkish or bulgarian or both. the kids can write the lyrics with quill's help. the musical numbers will be fast paced and exciting. there will also be some action including, fields, girls, monsters, vampires, zombies, etc. many of which evil creatures should probably be played by guest actor james welsch, who wants to be cast as a superhero despite the fact that he is an evil nevadan. there will also be slowness to satisfy liam's desire and my desire for slowness and non-showbizzy images and events. the slowness can be the scenes of normal life and non-acting kids and people that we will be shooting anyway, which will be artfully cut into the exciting showbizzy movie in post production. lets keep our options open. lets also be open to suggestions from the girls and fields.

from"Grainne Proinseas" _____@gmail.com
to"S. Sandrigon" _@itwaslost.org
cc"J____ Quill" ______@gmail.com,
"Olaf Mary" _____@gmail.com
dateMon, Jun 1, 2009 at 3:44 PM
subjectRe: Big Little Industry

I forgot to mention choreographed dance numbers. all girls are awesome at that.

from"S. Sandrigon" _@itwaslost.org
to"Grainne Proinseas" _____@gmail.com
cc"J____ Quill" ______@gmail.com,
"Olaf Mary" _____@gmail.com
dateMon, Jun 1, 2009 at 4:27 PM
subjectRe: Big Little Industry


I think we're on to something with giving the girls a lot of power. Kids come up with better ideas than adults. James, perhaps you should form a special summer project - how about call it the #1 Big Little Girls Motion Picture Production Project, or, #1GGGMPPP for short.
And for the next month that club could plot & write a movie with their FORMIDABLE ENGLISH SKILLS, taught by Mr Quill (you may remember me from such previous summer projects as Hippie Club & Ultimate Frisbee Club), patriotic pride, knowledge of local vampire lore, & young female creativity. I would be interested in being cast as the vampire. Great freaking Jesus what's a Nevadan vampire doing in the bostons of northern bulgarious? This caper can only be resolved with fields full of little girls & slow camera shots of daily life.
What do you think, Mr Quill, would the PC let you do a #1GGGMPPP? You may be the hero of the peace corps if this project flies? Reject my idea if it is a horrible idea. You're fucking asleep right now anyway!

Adios, AMIGOS.

from"J____ Quill" ______@gmail.com
to"S. Sandrigon" _@itwaslost.org
cc"Grainne Proinseas" _____@gmail.com,
"Olaf Mary" _____@gmail.com
dateTue, Jun 2, 2009 at 9:20 AM
subjectRe: Big Little Industry

I'm forming a group of planning students. I'm thinking the planning will go back and forth.

Apparently there's a local legend about a woman who was dying and told her husband that 50 people would die in the week after her death and he would be first. And it happened. Maybe a starting point? Add vampires, pod people, and zombies and I think we have a movie.

from"Grainne Proinseas" _____@gmail.com
to"J____ Quill" ______@gmail.com
cc"S. Sandrigon" _@itwaslost.org
"Olaf Mary" _____@gmail.com
dateTue, Jun 2, 2009 at 1:48 PM
subjectRe: Big Little Industry

this is a great start, but I think it should be adapted so there aren't any husbands. it should be (for example) a girl who is dying as a result of an encounter with a creepy american zombie hitchhiker played by james welsch, who warns her friends when she is on her deathbed that she will come back as a zombie and eat their brains- that she will need to come back and eat 20 brains and deliver the other 30 brains to the american zombie- perhaps she gives them a clue as to how they can avoid their fate- there is enough human in her still that she wants to save them-
maybe the secret to driving zombie-dom off is song and dance---?
we must, after all, incorporate musical numbers. maybe we can have a johnny vs. the devil musical standoff between a little bulgarian girl and the nevadan vampire who wants to eat her brain, and who demands that the first little girl (now returned as his zombie minion) sing backup to his perfectly produced tune that the little girl doesn't (or does she?) have a chance against....

this just gets better and better


If you came in mid-Conversation, part One of these e-mails is HERE,
followed by part MIDDLE.

1 comment:

antonabadzhiev said...

Hey! Yo! Doodle-doo!
Where is my part. What is it? The hind part of Horace The horse in the non-censored verse?!
Lordy mee!