June 30, 2009

PROPHECY & DOGGEREL - Illuminated Nonsense Poetry Book FOR SALE

Years in the making...
150 pages... over fifteen hundred really good words (including "proboscis" & "stalactickle")...
With over a hundred original illustrations by Grainne Proinseas, Olaf Mary Mohammad, & James Quill...
I am proud to publish - ONLINE only - on scribd.com
All the poetry published on the website www.itwaslost.org over the past three years, in one colorful poetry book -
Nonsense, doggerel, prophecy, songs & a few long poems.
After long consideration, I have decided to SELL this book for $2.15, altho I'm making a bit of it visible for free. I realize it is quixotic to dream of making any money off a non-physical collection of weird & sometimes dense nonsense verse, BUT I reckon I'm offering a pretty good product which we put a lot of work into. You could e-mail me (o [[at]]itwaslost .org) for a trial copy. Please support the nonsense vanity press! And a lot of the poetry is still on www.itwaslost.org here or there, just not with the classy layout & fancy illuminations, which is well worth two dollars & fifteen cents. Maybe convince a wealthy friend to purchase the digital edition from scribd, curl up with a cup of hot cocoa & your uncle's color printer, & print a nice double-sided physical copy. I believe in physical books. But this one will doubtful never be published as one. Meanwhile, a new hardcover copy of Barbara Walters' Audition: A Memoir sells for $29.95, & she doesn't do things like rhyme "cuddle" with "butthole."
Tell your friends & loved ones!
Prophecy & Doggerel is published.

(I recommend, if you're in firefox, clicking F11 to full-screen the browser, then clicking on the full-screen toggle on the upper-right-hand corner of the scribd box.)


antonabadzhiev said...

I do want to purchase two copies of the printed on paper issue with autographs. Geografically they will appear in the Big Little, BAPHA, or some fake Dracula premises. I will be there waiting to receive them from the author himself.
The plans I have been making for a BG edition are strongly collapsing.

antonabadzhiev said...

I do want to purchase at least two copies with autographs.
I love the illustrations.
In a short cours eof meditation I'll like the texts.

S. Sandrigon said...

Thanks, Anton. There are NO physical copies. But I'll autograph a bulgarian flag for you. We're taking our train into Ruse tomorrow.