June 09, 2009

Quotes: Grindelwald's White Handkerchief

Pretty images from The New Yorker, which, sadly, has expired coming thru my mailslot. I was thinking I'd wait till the end of summer to renew it.

I slowly realized that several of the actors in HBO's Big Love have arty roots - Harry Dean Stanton (the creepy old compound leader with a new adolescent wife) & Grace Zabrinskie (Bill's mother) are David Lynch regulars (she's Laura Palmer's mother!!!). And Chloe Sevigny is from Dogville, Kids, Broken Flowers &c.

This The Onion article about J. D. Salinger coming out of hiding to rave about the new Terminator movie is hit or miss, but this paragraph is gold:

Besides setting the literary community abuzz, Salinger's decision to come out of seclusion has allowed scholars access to his massive archive of unpublished work for the first time. So far, critics have examined three never-before-seen novels, eight novellas, and more than two dozen short stories—all of which appear to be Terminator fan fiction.

"But make no mistake," said Salinger expert Professor Duane Hartworth of nearby Dartmouth College, "this is without a doubt the most personal and affecting body of Terminator fan fiction ever discovered."

Our neighbor Miss Enid Darius has been up to her ears in Harry Potter, & I was looking up some classic articles for her. There's a lame one in the New York Times from 2007 about Professor Dumbledore's homosexuality, but it brings out an extremely subtle inuendo in the seventh book:

She proposes that when the two friends had a falling out in a dramatic duel, Grindelwald did not fight but “conjured a white handkerchief from the end of his wand and” — the passage then gives way to an obvious (in retrospect) sexual double entendre.

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